“Quick, lower the anchors! Captain’s on the other side! We have to go across and get her out of there!”
The storm was fierce and it only grew stronger. The chains crackled louder and louder. The merciless currents seemed eager to topple the ship. The sailors were scared. Without their Captain, their chances of survival were close to none. They had to save her from the tribes. The island where she landed along with her husband was dangerous but had potential of the treasure they had been searching for decades in the sea. Though they wanted to come along with her, she insisted and ordered them that if she and her husband didn’t return before sundown; they had to leave the spot. But alas, the sailors were too loyal and admired her. She was a goddess for them.
Five boats took off from the ship. Rowing through the menacing tides, the sailors with all their heart and might prepared themselves to die for her.
This story revolves around a woman who’s the captain of a pirate ship, seconded by her husband. It takes place in the year 1886 where most of the world leaders and well known intellects are female. Neither women nor men are oppressed by either gender. They together lead the world to a greater tomorrow.
What happened to the Captain and her husband? Are they alive? Can the sailors save them?
To find out subscribe to our weekly magazine!
“Wow! Reading this seems like a dream come true. And look at the year! It’s a story from the 19th century for heaven’s sake! It’s like a parallel universe.” Seema seemed surprised reading this.
“Well, magazine’s called A World of Matriarchy for a reason, don’t you think?” I replied.
“Honestly, I can’t wait for all the stories to come out!”
“Seema, we can share the magazine. I already subscribed.”
“Really? That’s so cool! But I’ll give my half of the payment.”
Welcome back to one of our weekly historic fictional tales! Enjoy your reading!
“Wow, you really didn’t need to type that you know. You could’ve just stopped at ‘historic’. We know that it’s fiction and not real. Asshole!”
Seema was a typical social rights activist. Well, atleast she wanted to be one. She had participated and volunteered in many social and environmental awareness programmes. She was in college, a sophomore, studying psychology. She wanted to become a professor and public figure like her mother.
The year is 1886.
“Will, you hear that?”
Elizabeth was cautious. She knew the tribe was only a few meters away, but so was the legendary chalice, the mythical treasure which was heard only in stories. No one knew this existed until one day her husband, William found the proof and the map leading to that chalice in the cabin of the great notorious sea captain, Madame Rose after they defeated her in the Bay of Bengal, looting every gold and treasure they could find in her ship.
“Captain Lizzy, it’s going to be fine. Stop being so paranoid! And yes, I heard that and it was a squirrel behind you for god’s sake.”
William used to call her by her petname no matter where they went; sweet love with a subtle hint of respect. Elizabeth didn’t mind, she loved it.
They tip-toed along the borders of the village; counting the number of inhabitants and observing their behaviour, all while thinking of an escape plan in case they got in trouble.
Elizabeth had ordered all of the sailors to maintain their position and forbid them to come along. In case they got in trouble and had to escape, they could fire the cannon balls at the locals chasing them while they ran towards the ship. And if she and William didn’t return before sundown, it would mean that they had failed to escape and were probably dead and ordered them to leave and get on with their lives. With so much of gold in the ship, each of them could buy a mansion for themselves. Little did she knew, they never cared about the gold.
A storm was brewing not far from the island, sundown was near. The tides grew stronger. No moon that night; it was a new moon, no light. Darkness was near. The inevitable was coming and nothing could stop it.
“There’s the cliff! We have to climb up there! Quick Lizzy! We have to reach the ship before sundown.”
They went past the tribe, unseen by the guards. They had completed the first phase of their mission.
The cliff was about 160 metres high and 8 kilometres long. Climbing it was going to be challenging, but they couldn’t go back now. Their escape was only possible if they completed the mission.
“You ready, Will?”
The storm was silent when they had started the climb. After climbing a few metres, the wind took its pace. Heavy droplets began to pour down from above. What made it even worse were the rocks that they held onto to climb their way up had become slippery and they could barely see anything in the darkness and heavy rain.
After a very long struggle, they somehow reached the top.
“There’s the cave. Let’s go in.”
“According to the map, the chalice should be behind the waterfall inside the cave. Be careful William. Keep holding hands and don’t try to stray away. We have no light and there might be snakes and other creatures inside. Stay with me.” saying this, both entered the cave.
“Quick, lower the anchors! Captain’s on the other side! We have to get across and bring her back. ”
The storm was fierce and it only grew stronger. The chains crackled louder and louder. The merciless waves seemed eager to topple the ship. The sailors were scared. Without their Captain, their chances of survival were close to none. They had to save her from the tribe. The island where she landed along with her husband was dangerous but had potential of the treasure they had been searching for decades in the sea. Though they wanted to come along with her, she insisted and ordered them that if she and her husband didn’t return before sundown; they had to leave the spot. But alas, the sailors were too loyal and admired her. She was a goddess for them.
Five boats took off from the ship. Rowing through the reckless tides, the sailors with all their heart and might prepared themselves to die for her.
Elizabeth was introduced to the pirate life by none other than her father. He used to be a merchant, trading goods though the sea for his nation. One day, his own king betrayed him. During a war, the merchants were left to die under the scorching heat in the middle of the ocean with no food and water, because the vile monarch simply couldn’t afford to provide safe passage and were left at the hands of the enemies. Elizabeth vowed to never be a loyal puppet to anyone or a citizen to any of the nations existing in the world. Her sole purpose became to be the Queen of the sea and steal from the rich. They never deserved it anyway. She had gained many followers across the world. Many envisioned her philosophies. She recruited her most trusted followers and began the journey of ruling the ocean. One time, while she was in London, dealing weapons with a black marketeer, a kind-hearted lowly peasant saved her from the underworld nobles who betrayed her and tried to sell her head to the king in exchange for power. That’s when she met her husband. He had been with her ever since, accompanying her in every adventures of life.
By the time the boats reached the island, Elizabeth and William were already deep inside the cave.
“Will, can you hear the waterfall? We’re getting close.”
“I can feel the water. The chalice must be here somewhere.”
After a few minutes of hopelessly fumbling in the darkness, William finally got hold of the chalice.
“I found it!”
“Finally! Let’s get out of here before the wind gets any stronger. Otherwise, we will be stuck here forever.”
“Oi Peter! Which direction should we go? Towards the village?”
“Aye, the cliff’s behind the village, protected by the people of the tribe; cap’n and her husband are probably captured by them.”
“What if we get attacked? Guns won’t work in this storm. Gunpowder doesn’t work when they get wet! We won’t be able to fight!”
“Aye! Aye!” everyone agreed in unison.
“Then we fight with our bare hands!”
“They have weapons!”
“Then we die trying! Be brave sailors! This is the time we prove our loyalty to the Queen!”
“AYE!” everyone cheered and marched towards the village, ready to die in the battle for their captain.
“Lizzy, I’m so sorry! I didn’t mean this to happen! How could this happen!? I didn’t mean this to happen I swear to god! My love! Please! Forgive me! Say that you forgive me! Talk to me Lizzy! Please! I don’t want you to go! OH GOD! WHY? WHAT DID SHE EVER DO TO YOU!? I don’t know what to do! I can’t live without you! Please! Come Back! Wait. I can come with you! Yes! I’m coming with you! Even death can’t do us part! Lizzy, I’ll be with you always!”
When Elizabeth and William came out, the wind became stronger than ever. Lightning flashed throughout the sky, thunders so loud that shook the very ground. The howling of the wind was so loud they couldn’t even make out each other’s words. Heavy rainfall drenched them; water in their boots. William held the chalice tightly both his hand. The wind was sweeping them off their feet. Before he could grasp the situation, he turned over saw his worst nightmare happening in the flash of a lightning.
It was too late. He couldn’t hear her scream, he couldn’t see her fall. Total darkness in front him.
He threw the chalice away and did what he desired to do.
The village was a bloody massacre. No one survived. Though, they knew they were marching to their death, nothing stopped them. The ship was wreaked by the storm; lightning struck at the topmast, setting it on fire; giant waves hit the stem from all sides and toppled the ship upside down.
The tragedy shattered the brave hearts of the sea. The Queen and her companions became a legend and since no one knew the whereabouts of the chalice other than them, it remained a myth to the world.
What would have happened if the captain of the ship been William instead? Would the story and its outcome be any different?
To find out subscribe to A World of Matriarchy and come back again next week for the next story!
“Wow! This is so good. I can’t wait for next week.”
Seema returned the magazine to me after reading this all afternoon and went back home.
“Seema didn’t see the plot hole? That’s weird.” I thought to myself.
“I’m home!”
“Dad, I will! Stop yelling!”
Seema ran off to her room, locked the door and jumped into the bed. Tears started to roll down her face. She missed her mom. Her parents had divorced when she was young, her mother took her custody but due to a business trip, Seema was obliged to live with her dad for a few days. No wonder her mother was her saviour and angel of her life.