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julie kakoty
Apr 06, 2023
In Writing
There is a scent of spring in the air. a warmness that permeates everyone. Flowers are in bloom and trees are sprouting. The winter nap of nature is over. The sky is clear, the sun is shining brightly, and the grass is lush with dew. Birds chirp: I adore listening to the music they sing. A symphony that everyone may appreciate. Mild, softly whispering breeze. It raises the brightness of spring to the high skies. Yes, it has a reviving effect. There is hope sparked by it. The joy of spring is a wonderful thing, and life is in full flow everywhere. It does bring about rejuvenation and growth, which is a feeling that makes our hearts sing. Oh, how delightful springtime feels. We cannot help but savor this season for its grace, rhythm, and pleasant stillness. A feeling that gives us such beautiful tranquility. So, let's take advantage of spring. a joyful event of nature or beautiful period. A time to celebrate warmth, love, and everything, a moment to embrace and sing.
julie kakoty
Mar 06, 2023
In Writing
Be a woman another woman can trust. The old adage “men can hurt my body, but women can scare my soul” Why do we feel hesitate to tell another woman that yes, she is looking beautiful, and her attire is just fabulous? When someone smiles at us, we naturally smile back so why it became difficult to do with a girl? Some women like to stay home and raise a family; while some want to single-handedly run a business, some like to give birth, some want to adopt a child, some don’t want to do any of them, some want to make up all day where some don’t want to do it all, but NO women should judge by the living choices of another. Anyone can do whatever they want, so you should help other women instead of tearing them down. It’s time to raise awareness among the women helping other women which benefits both parties while demonstrating what a powerful; strong force can be when they support one another. If we go back to our past fables, and stories we grew up with, we hardly find any example of women supporting other. The stories mostly depict the relationship of a woman to a man her own struggle in her life. Mahabharata is a historic tale where Krishna guided Arjuna, but Draupadi had no women to support her through her ordeal. Women nearby to her Kunti or Gandhari did nothing. Even with Cinderella’s evil stepmother and stepsisters where she was treated as a servant. Most women will tell you that they have survived at least one mean girl in their past who dismissed, put down, or even socially tormented. There is only one queen in the hive, and she doesn’t like competition. Psychologists have identified the queen bee syndrome as one of the reasons why women don’t want other women to succeed. The common perception seems to be that female bosses are ‘backstabbing’, ‘easily threatened’, ‘emotionally unpredictable’, or ‘irritable’. In fact, according to a survey carried out by the American Management Association, “95 percent of women felt undermined at some point in their career by other women”. And that is why the formation of groups for a project is difficult as they are not united among themselves, but it is easy to form a group among men. These days we hear lots of voices regarding support for women, but before we ask men to support women ask women to support another woman. Women had one thing in common they suffered pain which should make a bond between them. Just imagine how beautiful would be to have a woman as a mentor to another, how comfortable would be to work together and set an empire whenever we go to a party as a woman if we look another in the same dress, we are wearing we feel uncomfortable, shameful and jealousy begins but instead doing so we can feel happy as call each other soul sisters. On this women’s day, Let’s take a step ahead to appreciate, and be a woman who fixes the crown of another woman.

julie kakoty

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